Thank you so very much for the care and concern and kindness in light of the loss our dear friend, Mick. Sean doesn't often hang out here checking the comments, but I know he did today. Very kind. Thank you. Now we just have to make it to Friday afternoon when we will really say goodbye - and Sean will give a eulogy. A big day for him.
Today there was post on Gidgetknits about knitting through the inauguration ceremony for President Obama (oh how magical that sounds!). Both RoseRed and I were suitably inspired and agreed to do the same tonight, watching the ceremony. I didn't end up rewatching it. I actually got up at 3:30am to watch it live - I wasn't sleeping well last night anyway and loved every moment.
But tonight as my 'tribute' if you like, I cast on a swatch for something new and watched the news and thought about the great and important change that's taken place. I truly think it began in some way with our own nation getting ride of John Howard in 2007. It was a sign of things getting better.
So instead of Knitting the Moment, as Gidget and RoseRed did, I swatched the moment.
Here is my 'mini' Myrtle leaf shawl from Victorian Lace Today. I think I'm in love. She's a little wonky, but that's what swatching is for, to figure out the wonk.
This weekend, I'm starting this shawl with Kylie when I and a few other knitterly people hang out at her house for the long weekend. We chose the black yarn last year and promised we'd knit it together, starting on the Australia Day long weekend. Now that I've swatched, I just can't wait.
1 hour ago