I've never joined a Yarn Club. Oh I've thought about it. Everytime Blue Moon Fibre Arts announces their sock yarn club I look at the price tag and think no, not this time. Or there's the Year of Lace club. That too looks fabulous. There are so many out there and I always deny myself.
A couple of months ago, I decided enough with the denial! Some of you may know Ailsa from Knitabulous. She's particularly well known here, being active on both the Sydney and Wollongong knit scene. She's a talented lace knitter and yarn dyer. She has an Etsy store. This year, her stuff has really taken off.
There was a tremendous buzz when Ailsa announced she was having a Yarn Club of her own. That phrase, 'in like Flynn'? Most apt here. On the weekend, the first installment arrived. - on a Saturday no less! One of the best things about Christmas is Australia Post gives mail junkies like me something extra to look forward to on Saturdays. I even took the box directly from the nice delivery man's hands.
And here it is, minus the dark chocolate which I ate. The yarn is called Indian Summer.
The merino sock yarn is delicious. Those colours! I have nothing like it in the stash and that to me has made joining up worthwhile already. And lip balm? That's my other addiction, so all is right with the world now. Packages like this are fun.
Thanks Ailsa. Great kick off to your yarn club. Can't wait to try the pattern that comes with the yarn.
13 hours ago