Oh dear. Nearly a month has passed. Sincere apologies for the delay. Hang on, who am I apologising to? I think about four people read this blog and they all know why I've been slack in posting anyway!
Yes, we finally moved house! Hooray. Just last weekend. Sadly, we are no longer inner-north, urban dwellers. We live in the 'burbs now. But we're not kicking the lifestyle entirely, except for the little things like not being able to walk into the city, not living two minutes walk from a cool pub, not living in a lovely, tree lined older city street, not having the world's nicest neighbours. I could go on.
Instead we have bricks and mortar we're now paying for. We have DUCTED GAS HEATING! I have a kitchen that, compared to the last one, is dreamily spacious and fitted out with a gas oven, and the house has been beautifully and lovingly painted by my husband and my father in law. It looks great.
Oh and did I mention the backyard? No? It's HUGE! And virtually empty. Come spring, I'm planning a wonderland of vegetables, herbs, flowers, shrubs and so much more. Note I said PLANNING. What the reality will be remains to be seen.
Anyway, onto knitting.
No photos (again) because I'm writing at work.
But, I have been working on the following:
- a tediously slow sock made from German self patterning sock yarn. There MUST be a photo of this soon. It's not finished but it's very, very cool to see the pattern forming on the DPNs. Thank you Happy Spider for helping Chantelle and I overcome the fear of those pointy little critters!
- a basic mohair scarf just to have something to be doing when I'm tired after all the unpacking and my brain can't cope with more than that.
- a cable beanie for my father in law since his other one got covered in paint.
And I have bought more wool than should really be legal, from ebay. Most of it Bendigo. I'll post stash photos soon.
But the big news is that I have started knitting on the bus! Now that I'm a suburban girl, who must sit for forty five tedious minutes to and from work, I figure I might as well make use of the time. I think people look at me funny but do I care? No. With my ipod and my needles, for ninety minutes a day there is nothing i can do but sit and KNIT!
Decided this morning though that circulars or DPNs are probably better for the bus. The long 3.25 needles I was using this morning, I'm sure, irritated the hell out of the woman next to me. I tried not to bump her. i really did. But my efforts were in vain.
But just imagine how much I can achieve with ninety minutes of solid knitting every day!!!
See, life in the burbs isn't all bad....
6 hours ago