We are almost at the shortest day of the year - Winter Solstice. It's wonderful to be thinking how from that point on the days will (slowly, but surely) be getting longer, of how the bulbs will be sprouting and there's all that wonderful spring colour to look forward to. It's what keeps us going through another dreary Canberra winter, really.
BUT, I had mild panic about all this today, sitting on the bus. Why? Because that means there is less knitting time left than I like. I still maintain the drive to knit in summer - except for when the temperatures really soar - but let's face it - winter really is the best time for it and I always start out with a vast amount of projects in mind, one eye on my ever growing stash, and the knowledge that by the end of winter I'll want to have completed probably more projects than I can realistically manage.
This year, this desire is complicated by the fact that so many of my friends are having babies. I really want to make great stuff for them, but I want to be wearing, soon, a jumper or cardigan I've made for myself - something big that I really spent winter working hard at. But I have one jumper still half done that I'm bored with, two vests I started and don't seem to be inspired to complete, and at least two scarves that also proved boring.
What's going on?
So, my usual happiness at the thought of the Winter Solstice approaching is somewhat diminished by the knowledge that I don't have anything big to show yet.
hey, at least I realised this BEFORE WS, and not after. There's still time, admittedly, not as much as I would like, but there's time nonetheless. Now if I could decide which yarn, which project - oh and find the time to get it all done, I'll be happier.
ps I can't stop looking at lovely knitting books on Amazon. is it completely insane that even though I'll never make half of what's in them, I just want to collect enough to have a shelf full of pretty pattern and instructional books so I can say, 'those are my knitting books'. I'll read them all, obviously, and even make some of the patterns, but I want them to be right alongside my cooking shelf. It'll be so great!
1 hour ago