Thanks to all who very kindly offered suggestions on how to fix my stupid row counting/measuring mistake on the mohair cardigan. I considered all suggestions carefully then thought, nah, bugger it. I finished off the last sleeve yesterday and last night frogged the back piece down to the armhole shaping so I can add another 2-3cm then rework the armholes and shoulder shaping.
This seemed the path less likely to induce tears and flinging the whole damn thing in the corner with all the other WIPs (see previous post).
I swear, from now on, I'm going to count rows and make nice little notes as I go. Like many things in life, I often take an 'it'll be ok' approach and hope for the best. No more hoping. From now on, I'll make sure I count much more carefully.
You know how near the end of a project you just get that 'God, can this be over soon, please?' feeling. Got that in spades right now. But I'm driven. I'll finish it by the end of the week, I'm sure.
Stay tuned for bitching and moaning when I get to the lace collar (it's 5 stitches wide and full of YOs and YFWDs...I'm dreading it).
1 hour ago