It's been great fun to have a new camera.
We went for a walk this afternoon to take some photos and as I was photographing anything and everything (quite specifically for the blog), Sean was heard to say, 'what's that got to do with knitting?'
He was teasing of course.
So here's a little tour of our walk this afternoon. I'm really going to have to not leave it til 4:30pm if I want photos in better light. I was hoping for a misty morning this weekend but we didn't really get one.
Here's our street. Our house, which you can't see, is where that bus shelter is.
Not far from us is a cycle path. Here is Sean walking along the path. I said, 'can I put a photo of you on the blog, if it doesn't show you from the front?'
He said, 'No.'
I said, too bad. So here he is.
A bit further along, there's a big open area with a swampy little creek.
It looks like we live in the middle of farm land, doesn't it? We don't really. It's just that our suburb backs on this research land, belonging to the CSIRO. Just to show you that we don't live a bucolic lifestyle, directly opposite this research land is the back of our suburb.
Returning from the walk, I made a lovely stack of brownies, which had been cooling while we were out.
These will be posted properly on Mouthfuls of Heaven some time in the next couple of days, after everyone's had a chance to admire RoseRed's Victoria Sponge.
And finally, the big achievement of the weekend, knitting wise, is this.
I sorted out the problem I had with the steeked jacket sleeve by just undoing it.
Julie had suggested a bit of a cheat's way of fixing the problem and I seriously considered it, but in the end, decided ripping it out down the hem was the only way to go.
This gave me a chance to fix it up in a few other ways too. I've got the hem rolled under, to show me what it will erally look like and I LOVE it.
I am officially back on track with this. I foresee every evening this week being devoted entirely to this sleeve, while the desire is strong.
However, before I got this sleeve this morning, I spent last night hanging out with a purple monkey.
This is exceedingly striking wool, don't you think? As I'm working with it, I'm admiring the genius of Julie throwing in the bright blue. I remember when she created this and it was a bit accidental.
Some of the best things in life are accidental and this sock wool is one of them. Thanks Julie!
It turns out I'm not alone in making Monkey socks out of Purple Trainwreck. Coffeelady wrote in the comments that she'd done it and I remembered that yes, she had! You can find them here, just scroll down to the bottom of the page. They look fantastic!
6 hours ago