Tuesday 11 December 2007

Gifts Galore!

I was given so many lovely things on the weekend, hostess gifts mainly, that I want to document them all but it'll take a couple of posts to do them justice.

So I'll start with the gifts RoseRed and I exchanged when she arrived on Sunday morning.
First up, Knitting Vintage Socks by Nancy Bush. This is most certainly the very next sock book I'd have bought for myself and now I don't have to. RoseRed beat me to it.

I love the historical information in the first few chapters - the stuff about socks that were found on Henry VIII's ship, the Mary Rose, and the apparently famous story of Queen Elizabeth I declaring she would only wear knitted stockings after being given a pair. Love it!

Next, my favourite sock yarn, Cherry Tree Hill, in the Java colourway.

It's just gorgeous. So many shades of purple, brown and olive. I adore it!

RoseRed also gave me a large project bag, the photo of which I've stupidly not brought with me to work so it'll have to wait. But it's clever because it's made in colours to match the steeked jacket (of which we shall not speak) and holds it perfectly, just waiting for its status as a WIP to be reinstated.

Thank you so much RoseRed. You give the most wonderful gifts!

In return, I gave her something which I can now reveal. I spent one week making a pair of monkey socks. One week! I didn't think I'd be able to do it but when the first one only took me three days, I knew there was a chance. Every available minute last week was spent beavering away on them, using Donyale's glorious Bruised Bloodwood.

This is the fourth pair of monkey socks I've made and I just love the pattern more and more. I feel like I'm starting to really understand the construction now and am contemplating trying to design my own socks, based on what I've learned from the design of these and others.

So it's fair to say, Christmas came early in my house and I'm a very happy girl! Thank you, RoseRed. You're the best.
