On Saturday night, I did something that was asking for trouble. Just begging for it.
We went to a stand-up comedy gig (Wil Anderson. We're big fans). As so often happens when we go to see Wil, we ended up in the front row of the very small gig. It was one of his work in progress shows, where he tours the country developing material he'll later use in a 'real' show.
Sitting down the end of the front row, where it was a little darker, I thought it was safe to pull out a sock and get working (kinda hard when you're pissing yourself laughing!) and I thought, well, if he notices me, I don't mind.
He noticed me.
He stopped mid-sentence.
"Are you KNITTING?"
Shaking his head, 'I've never had someone knitting at a show before.'
I think he thought this was great fodder for his work in progress material.
Highlights of the intense spotlight on the knitter in the front row included:
"Well I guess you probably knit in front of the TV, right, keeping your hands busy? So the teenage boy in the next row probably knows all about that sort of thing."
And then there was the stream of consciousness part that led to the conclusion that a knitted bong cosy would be a great thing. A fantastic thing. And could I do that?
Honestly, I'd do it if he really wanted it. Why not? Although at lunch today, we all concluded that an acrylic bong cosy may not be such a good idea.
If you happen to be seeing him on one of his other shows, take your knitting. Screw with his mind. He'll start to think he's attracting the nana-crowd.
Finally, some garden shots. I think I may have found a cure for migraines. Come home, go straight into the garden and lose yourself in taking photos. It works. I was cured.
These are our best tomatoes this year. Self sewn, somewhat large cherry tomatoes. Can't get enough of them.
And for my sister, Adele, the basil photos she asked me for a few weeks ago. You can have heaps of this when you come to visit next month.
I think the Greek basil looks like a posy. I usually snip flowers off but I can't do it to this plant.
I'm loving the purple basil. It never grows as prolifically as the sweet basil below, but it's beautiful to look at.
And finally, the most basil I've ever been able to grow. I'm sure the broad bean crop that was in this bed last year did great things to the nitrogen levels in the soil and that explains the ferocity of the basil and tomato crops that are in there now.
I'm looking forward to autumn and winter, but I will miss my summer crops!
10 hours ago