She goes outside wearing new socks and sits in the sun to take photos.

But really, the garden is is so brown, so scorched by the blazing January sun, that I thought the colour of these socks might alleviate that, if only for a few moments.

I've been working on these for months. Since about November I think. They were socks that were picked up from time to time for commuting, for social occasions where knitting was required, for the late night brainless occupation of my hands. And I love them.
The yarn is Regia 4ply and the colourway is one of the series designed for Regia by that colour mad man, Kaffe Fasset. I was so thrilled with it and what I loved best was not just the appealing blend of reds, but the shocks of peacock blue that jumped out at me as the fabric grew.
And that's all there is to say really. I never really grow tired of plain socks and get anxious if I don't have a pair on the needles at all times to keep me going when something simple is needed.
To that end, I've got another pair going. I call them 'Go Everywhere Socks' because that's exactly what they'll do, both on the needles and off. Same pattern as above, the Yarn Harlot's Basic Sock Recipe from Knitting Rules, on 2.75mm needles.

And finally, just because I am still absolutely enthralled by it, here's another shot of the Myrtle Leaf shawl. Eight repeats in and it's all going well.

Progress will slow when I return to work on Monday but at least I've made some good headway. I managed 1-2 repeats a day and a little sad that will stop now.