There's a really nice ending to the story about John and his jumper that needed rescuing from certain death.
We arranged to meet on Wednesday outside my building and when I showed him the repair job, he was very pleased. Delighted, in fact. Two unexpected things occured after that.
He offered me money. Not a specified amount. Rather, he asked how much he owed me but I didn't want to take any money. He'd already brought me a coffee. That was enough, really. For 15-30 mins work and about a metre of green wool I already had in my stash? I would have felt silly. If perhaps it had been an arduous task that had taken me hours, then I'd say we'd have been talking a dollar amount, but not for that.
Unexpected thing number two was that he asked what book I would recommend for someone wanting to learn to knit. I recalled at once that my own re-entry to knitting came through Stitch N Bitch but I thought I'd ask him who was wanting to learn before I recommended that.
"How about an old bloke like me? I want to learn!" he said. Still, the only book I could think of, on the spot was Stitch n Bitch. So I told him to overlook the name and check it out. He thanked me and we parted ways. Yes, I suppose I could offer to teach him but somehow it didn't seem right.
Later that night I sent him a text saying I thought that the website Knitting Help probably a better option. I hope he follows it up. What would you have recommended? I was really stumped.
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Last night I tried out blocking wires for the first time. Here's a photo I snapped quickly before work of the shetland triangle drying on the mats we bought from Bunnings last weekend. Sean picked them up becuase he thought they'd be good exercise mats. I misunderstood and thought he was suggesting blocking mats. Turns out we were both right!
They're awkward and I'm not sure I got it right, particuarly as I had to use two across the top of the shawl. What will it be like when I have to block the Myrtle shawl which is now, unblocked, taller than I am? I may go back to using cotton. It's definitely quicker than using a gazillion pins, but I'm not convinced I got the level of tension I wanted. I'll see how it goes on the weekend but maybe I'll re block it.
Also, this was my favourite photo this week. Me and sweet little Alice. She and her mum come for lunch most weeks. We have sushi and a coffee and Alice flirts with people sitting nearby. She also gives the best cuddles you can imagine. I think six months must be a very cuddly age.
This week i figured out she has teeth. Sharp ones! I love that she gets to wear her handknits when she comes out on our still rather cold days.
ps I'm thinking I'll probably run A Long Lacy Summer again this year, starting in November. Stay tuned!
12 hours ago