I had a look and realised it was a crafting magazine I'd never heard of. It seemed quite new and asking around some friends, I realised that no one else had heard of it either. I thought that doing an interview would be both fun and interesting so last weekend I cobbled together some answers for the magazine and sent them out, hoping for the best. Having never done such a thing as answer interview questions, I think it's safe to say it felt a bit weird but was a nice opportunity to reflect a little on blogging and knitting and where the two intersect.
The interview is here and I recommend you check out the magazine because there's something in there for everyone. I'm really glad they got in touch because it's been really great to find a new magazine and to read all sorts of articles about skills i don't have, particularly the jewellery making. I don't think that's a skill I'm likely to acquire so reading about it and enjoying the talents of other people is a very nice way to pass the time. So check them out.
The interview is really about what it means to me to be a knitter and blogger, and how the two inform my creativity. I hope you enjoy it!
And because so much of my knitting at the moment is either not very advanced or is gift knitting I can't show, here's a photo of me and Alice from last weekend. I love her serious face. Her smiles are gorgeous but it's her serious face that makes me wonder what she's thinking! I love being her aunty. She's so lovely.

Have a good weekend everyone!