Friday 26 January 2007

Australia Day plans

I took the steeked jacket to my mum's this morning, deciding I was going to use Australia Day to fix up this sordid mess.

We really thought about it. I think my mum thought I was insane even attempting this, but she was wanted to help me fix it.

After much umming and ahhing, playing around and trying to figure it out, we decided it was really too much of a mess to fix and so we tore the whole thing out, well down to the hem anyway.

So it's Friday afternoon. I have the house to myself. And I plan to spend it like this.

It's just me, the jacket, a gin and tonic and the adorable Colin Firth.

It's not too hot today either. This is happiness. Just what the doctor ordered, I think.

Am I devastated that I have to start the body of the jacket all over again? Nah. Not really. It's not ideal. But this time I'll get it right. I will. Honestly.

Happy Australia Day everyone.
