Well here we are. The night of our Harlot Happening has arrived.
We are all gathered. This (in the beret) is Jen and blogless Paula early on.
There are 20 of us, at Starbucks in Manuka (we know that means nothing to non-Canberrans, just go with us) and we are here for many reasons, many of them to do with yarn and needles and general knitterly goodness, but really, we are here because of our beloved Yarn Harlot and her 'Represent' tour. None of us could fly to NYC to be there (and we're not bitter) so we are having a gathering in her honour.
We love you Yarn Harlot!
We have lucky door prizes and knitting abounds.
We have contributed 22 beanies to be donated to a local charity.
We have hats in progress, socks, berets and the lovely Jen, who is sitting next to me is making a pair of Mrs Beatons!
This is a 'Pudding Bowl Beanie' - you know that game where everyone gets to stir a christmas pudding before it's cooked? Well this is the beanie equivalent. Pretty much everyone got a go (I hope), even my work friend Cath who had never held a set of circulars before! Yay Cath!
It's all going fabulously. Knitters, yarn, needles, coffee, food - the vibe is fabulous.
I brought my steeked jacket to work on but there was so much to look at and so many people to talk to that all I could manage was a quick photo wearing what looks like a pair of steeked shorts! LOL! No, it's the jacket.
We've raised money for Stasia (around $120) who does a soup kitchen in the city on Friday nights. We've contributed about 22 beanies and everyone is going to be leaving with great prizes which have been kindly donated by members of the group and some anonymous businesses. Prizes also donated by Cassidy's in Kingston. There are donated books such as Big Girls Knits, a Kaffe Fasset and handspun and dyed yarn by some of some of group. We are such a talented bunch!
Here are some prize winners! I will update this with the rest of the bloglinks and names properly later when I have everyone's details correct.
Here's Kylie winning Big Girl Knits
Here's Toniya with her loot!
Here's Kuka winning Brittany needles and yarn. Seated beside her is Els.
Here's Jennifer winning what she later called (I think) potential socks. She's not made socks before.
And this is Marius - the son of Stasia who runs the soup kitchen. He came in his mother's place to thank us for our donations. He was very nice.
Here we have Olivia accepting her prize of some pattern books donated by Cassidys.
And here is George learning to make her first sock! Oh how I remember that moment when it happened to me!
Here's me blogging. Isn't the internet cool. Blogging and having a photo taken of yourself blogging and then posting on your blog about....well you get it.
ok, a few more photos.
Jejune, who provided the puzzles and games tonight, accepting her prize!
Blogless Cath accepting her Kaffe Fasset book.
Happy Spider (gorgeous in her own work) looking serene. She donated several prizes tonight, mostly her own hand spun and dyed wool....mmmmmm. Thanks also to Spidey's beloved, Sherpa, who works the Manuka Starbucks and with his workmate Mike provided superlative service.
This is Karen, accepting her prize. Does that look yummy or what?
And here is all of us! With socks! Yarn Harlot, this one is for you.
Top row from left: Paula, Jennifer, Jen, Denise, George, Kylie, Penny, Naomi, Karen, Els and Bron
Bottom row from left: Rachel, Helen, Toniya and Olivia.
So there you go. Quite possibly the first 'Represent' Harlot Happening on earth, given it's still very early morning in America. It was so much fun to get the international ball of yarn rolling on this one.
One more special photo.
The Lady in Red is Taphophile (with George). She did more work than most to pull this event off. Hugs Taph. You rock.
And I think that just about does it.
Great night everyone.
Cassidys in the Kingston Shopping Centre
Ewe Give Me the Knits
Happy Spider
Sheepy Chic
Starbucks Manuka (particularly the wonderful Alex and
Mike who donated money and beanies on the night)
Stick To Your Knitting (STYK)
Sticks and String Podcast
Yarn Magazine
Knitting on the Avenue Blog
Knitting and Knotting Blog
Knitty Nutty Blog
Disco Knitter Blog
Yarn Harlot
everyone else who blogged or linked to us
all the knitters of the Canberra Stitch 'n' Bitch
Plotters and helpers Othlon, Jejune, Spidey, Bells,
Kylie, George, Cath and Karen
Everyone who turned up and donated cash, prizes and
Stasia Dabrowski and her son Marius who do wonderful
work and particularly Marius who bravely talked to us
about his mother, their family and her reasons for
doing what she does.
Stephanie Pearl-McPhee for motivating us as well as
entertaining us.
5 hours ago