With some fiddling and thinking, I've made reasonable progress on the Mariah sleeve.
I came to terms, last night around midnight, with the idea that maybe I just wasn't up to the horribly complicated cable. It's gorgeous, all that knot work, but it's not really what i'm looking for right now.
So I got up early this morning, while Sean was having a well deserved sleep in, and using the Harmony Guide to Aran Knitting (LOVE THAT BOOK!) I found a lovely cable that looks intricate enough to make me feel like I haven't wussed out completely. I've frogged it twice today in an attempt to get it right, and now i'm happy.
Look at how the main cable seems to rise up out of the cuff cables! I didn't plan for that (I don't have a strategic bone in my body) so I'm pretty pleased with my apparent accidental genius on that front.
Keep an eye on Othlon and Jejune if you want to see how they are progressing with their Mariahs. What's interesting is we've all chosen slightly different designs for the sleeves. Jejune is sticking with the complex knot work; Othlon is going for something that focuses on the simple elegance of the cables in the cuff and I'm somewhere in the between. Bugger sticking to the pattern, I say!
My Suburb
Next, I've got a few photos I took this afternoon on a walk around our suburb, oh and some from our garden.
For example, these chillies, which I swear were supposed to be red!
I've been wanting to get out for a while and take photos of our suburb for a few reasons. One, I'm starting to quite enjoy photography and am always looking for new subjects. Two, I like having cool photos to post here.
A few months ago we were cycling not far from home and had to stop and let a family of kangaroos pass. I thought, why did I not bring the camera with me? The non-Aussie readers would love this!
Anyway, we've lived in our suburb for nearly a year and really don't feel like we're part of it yet. We hardly know our neighbours except for when their kids poke their chatty heads over the fence, and there really isn't a sense of people being around. Where we used to live, in an older suburb, close to the city, we felt part of a community. The isolation in this not so old but not quite new suburb, is a bit hard to deal with.
(Aren't my peas lovely!)
So taking photos around my suburb is, I hope, going to help us feel a little more like we belong here and also, because I enjoy doing it, will give me a reason to get out and go for walks more often (these thighs of mine will reduce, I swear it).
While I'm on this subject, I LOVE seeing photos of where people live, the view of your world through your lense, so if you feel inspired, post some local photos of your own and leave a comment so I, and others, know to come and have a look.
OK, let's turn it into a meme! I wanna see where people live! Go for a walk, 15-20 minutes from home, and take photos on the way!
Here's a photo taken from a ridge half way between home and the shops, looking out towards the northern part of town, just as the sun is about to disappear.
And here is one, taken just before the above photo, of the sun breaking through gum trees.
We're lucky. We're in a suburb with a lot of bushland nearby, which is amazing considering we're not actually that far from the city and other really built up areas. We hope to get out for walks more and get to know more of the bushland around our suburb.
And in closing, have a look at this sign we found on the way down the hill back to the road. It speaks for itself. Someone out there has a gentle sense of humour.
18 hours ago