I'm breaking my own rule at the moment, which is to never have more than five WIPs on the needles. Five is usually the outside amount I'll allow but it's more than I feel comfortable with. Now i have six.
1. A certain jacket which shall for the moment remain nameless and in the time out corner.
2. Mariah - remember her? She's on temporary hold for another couple of weeks
3. Embossed Leaves Socks
4. One Row Scarf
5. Dayflower Scarf
6. Plain rib socks
And I have to get a beanie done by the weekend as a gift.
Only two of those are big ticket items, so I figure I'm safe. But safe from what? Losing the plot, perhaps?
Anyway, Tanya, otherwise known as The Over Achieving Barrister (by Sean, at least) asked me for some updates. As an aside, Sean likes to joke about Tanya a bit (he knows her her IRL). He says he has images of her becoming a High Court Judge or something and deliberating over decisions while knitting in court. Yeah. I can see that too, oddly enough. She already admitted that knitting helped her sort out a work issue, so yeah, The Knitting High Court Judge might not be a stretch.
So, to the stuff that's on the needles right now.
These are my Embossed Leaves Socks (pattern from Interweave Knits)
Sorry about the crap colour depiction. 5:30pm is not the best time around here for lighting. I am loving these socks. The Koigu from RoseRed is a dream. The lace pattern is a breeze. Jejune, you should try these, since you have been thinking of doing lace socks. Seriously, that's about four hours' work. Too damn easy.
Next, a mini-KAL I'm doing with George and Kuka. We hatched this plan at SnB last week after all confessing to some Lace Lust in our private lives. This seemed like a nice, safe way to indulge in a little extra-curricular activity without the full commitment of a lace shawl.
This is the result of one DVD's length of knitting. Not bad. Damn fast. And it's a ball of left over Bendigo Alpaca - so it's a nice de-stashing project too.
Lastly, the main bus knitting project on the go right now is another Yarn Harlot One Row Scarf. God I love this pattern.
Patons Shadow Tweed and just so soothing to work on. It's a birthday gift and it'll be finished in no time.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and re-heat left overs and knit.
Oh and thanks to everyone who pointed out it can't possibly be spring yet. Yes, it's true. Spring is still many weeks away. A girl can dream, can't she?
10 hours ago