So, the steeked jacket. It's just sitting in my workbag, next the couch, untouched since Saturday.
It was going ok. I'd done a certain amount of the decreasing and then I started to think that maybe the decreasing was a little harder than I thought.
Then when I next went to pick it up and consider where to go next, I just couldn't be arsed.
And that's not helped by the fact that Southern Summer of Socks started on Monday and all I wanna do is knit socks for Christmas presents.
I just don't care about it. I'm worried I've lost the drive. You have all said such great things about my drive and enthusiasm but I worry it's run out.
Life's been a bit tough lately, as you all know, and frankly, I've only got the energy for things that don't bug me at the moment.
It'll come back, that drive. At least I hope it will. Right now there's a koigu sock and a glass of wine with my name on it.
6 hours ago