Monday 14 January 2008

The hungry shawl

Well, several of you suggested that the Forest Canopy Shawl would devour yarn in the last rows. You were right. As of Saturday night, I had 13g left and thought that as I was doing a bit over a gram for each row, and had 10 rows left (that's how many rows are in the border) that I'd be just fine. It'd be close, but ok.

I no longer think so.

Here I am, with the shawl, on the bus this morning. Photo courtesy of Sean.

I'm really pretty confident with it now, so thought I'd have a go at bus knitting. I was on a purl row so it was ok, really.

But this is how much yarn I have left and I have four rows to go. This was taken before the purl row. I'm so tempted to keep on going but that last purl row really sucked up a fair whack of what's left. I think I have no choice but to actually use one of the lifelines I put in. I was hoping to get through it all without actually using a lifeline. Having them place along the way just felt comforting. I didn't think I'd actually have to use one. Oh well. Better safe than sorry, huh?


And here, for you sun-starved northerners, is a picture of something that really captures summer for me. A snack of italian bread (ciabatta) grilled then doused with fresh garden tomatoes, torn basil and olive oil. This was Saturday. I don't usually like raw tomatoes, except for homegrown. Hard to beat.

So it was a good weekend, all in all. We achieved a lot. Built most of a new garden bed AND gave a kitchen a complete overhaul, adding in a couple of new cupboards and getting rid of stuff and totally reorganising where things go, finally finishing around 8:30pm Sunday.


Makes up for the fact that we feel like lazy sods most of the time.

And so the work week begins. I have a job interview this week which I am not going to think about because I over-thought one in December and blew it entirely (as in, went for my own job and didn't get it. Long story. Don't ask.)
