Wednesday 30 April 2008

Delirium knitting

Today did not start well. I won't regale you with the details but suffice to say it involved a skull cracking migraine at dawn, a lot of tears and a very worried husband.

Being on IVF meds, I can't take more than paracetamol which I would usually write off as a waste of time but when that's all you can take, well do you what you have to do.

When I finally emerged from the delirium mid morning, Sean rugged me up on the couch and I set about doing the first thing that had occurred to me when I was able to think without crying.

Start a new pi shawl. I was missing the first one. It was over so fast. I felt like I was just getting to know the concept when it ended.

It was like a hunger. I had to start and it had to be a shawl this time, not a blanky. Laceweight. And green.

I present to you all my afternoon's work.

It was good post-migraine knitting. Not too much thinking, although I am adding in some lace patterns this time but they are so very simple, and the softest of yarn - Malabrigo laceweight in Verdes.

I know I know, I've got other jobs on the go, but this suits me right now.
