Sunday 26 October 2008

Day 26: This is...something I'm surprised I like

Today's This is....subject (nominated by Earl and Cookie) is something I'm surprised I like. This subject seemed at first too hard, then this morning it came to me.


Yes, I am sometimes surprised that I like knitting. I was a devoted crocheter for years. A friend I don't really know any more used to hound me to take up knitting. She said it was soooo much better than crochet. Call me crazy but when someone says that what they do is better than what I do, I dig my heels in. 

Apart from sheer stubbornness, I knew that I'd tried knitting and well, all those stitches! Why faff about with that when you could have the delight of just one stitch on the hook at all times with crochet. So I held off, until one day I felt a strange urge and dug out an old pair of needles and some Clechkeaton 8ply.

The rest, as they say, is history. 

And here's today's knitting. A sock I was working on this weekend while we were in Sydney visiting Kylie for her birthday party.

And that was the scene of our breakfast this morning in sunshine with small children to amuse us and birds in the trees. None of us, I'm happy to report, were terribly fragile the morning after the night before. We were good. And it was all utterly delightful. The best bit?

Giving Kylie a basket of carefully selected high quality yarn. Koigu, cashmere, Lorna's Laces, Malabrigo. I could go on. We wanted to set her into the next decade armed with fabulous delights worthy of a fine knitter and wonderful friend. 
