Sixty five is a nice number. Sixty five people were in the draw for a set of stitch markers which were made by the uber-talented Donyale of Moggy and Me.
I bought them from Yarns Online.
The winner gets to choose a set from the photo above and I'll send them on just as soon as I can get to the Post Office. That may not be until after Easter.
I did originally say that if a non-knitter won, I'd send something else instead but it turns out I don't have to because a winner came up. Number 15 out 65 comments was
Have a look at the stitch markers, Carol. Drop me a line and let me know which ones appeal to you the most and they shall be yours!
Next week I'll have another draw for another set of stitch markers (or something else for non-knitters).
Thanks for everyone's comments. Everyone knows a contest is a great way to bring the lurkers out, but honestly, I love reading my comments. That's how I find new blogs to read, seeing who else is out there and figure out if what I'm writing is working or not. And who doesn't love the instant feedback?
I wore Something Blue to work yesterday. It dropped a bit in the wearing. I don't think it's ever going to be a perfect fit, but it was lovely and warm and I loved knowing what had gone into every stitch. Isn't that why we make things?
19 hours ago