Heading into a week in which I'll be alone at home on leave from work, I find myself doing something I'm sure many, many women do - mentally filling the days with an insurmountable list of things I want to achieve.
I feel robbed of time already and the week hasn't even begun.
It's not that there's a lot I need, or particularly want to do, at least not in terms of actual activities or tasks. There's no real purpose to this leave other than to have some time out and take things as they come, but me being me, I'm acting as if I've got a month off, not a week.
I have ambitions that are crazy, like finishing most of my current knitting projects, or writing a short story, or totally overhauling my stash, maybe even cleaning out all my old clothes or doing lots of baking. The list goes on.
Realistically, I can't do it all. Not all that and have a lot of downtime as well, getting the rest I need. So I've come up with an approach that I think might work and should allow me to at least achieve some of what I'd like to do, as well as getting in some good exercise.
I'm calling my plan Unstructured Structure. I know myself, I need to emerge at the end of the week feeling like I made the most of my time, so some structure in terms of plans is good for me.
But I also know that if I hem myself in to too many commitments outside the home, I'll feel like I had no real choice in the use of my time, no time for being unstructured. It's striking that balance that's the most helpful - and difficult - for me.
If I spend all day running all over town doing odd jobs or visiting everyone I know, I won't have any rest and I won't have the brain space to have some creative time. But if I get up each day and drift meaninglessly through each day, I'll resent myself for my laziness at the end of the week.
So to help, I'm setting my week up, loosely breaking the days up into categories and each day I'll try to balance out the way the hours pass.
Creative - this will include knitting, writing, photography, blogging, cooking and reading.
Functional - this will include work around the house, like tidying up some cupboards, tidying up some messy corners and other daily tasks.
Social - I have some play dates planned, like a day in the country with my artist friend Polly on Tuesday, some time with my brother and sister on Thursday and a coffee or two. That'll balance things out nicely.
Let's see how it goes. I'm excited!
17 hours ago