I'm just going to say right up front that I'm getting tired. I'll admit that even a couple of easy days with my sister posting yesterday and a photo only post on Sunday hasn't really helped but I'm sticking this out.
For a dozen different reasons, I'm hanging on 'til the end. If you're even trying to keep up with my daily posts, along with a bunch of other bloggers out there all valiantly trying to see this Blogtoberfest through to the end, well done! You attention is appreciated because let's face it, we're all time poor and it's a big ask by anyone's standards.
So thanks for being so welcoming when my sister posted yesterday. I know she was totally nervous but you were all kind and she did a brilliant job. All her sentiments expressed on the nature of being sisters who are close are just as honestly felt by me. Sisters are marvellous and I have two of them (as well as a brother but this is about sisters!).
Sisters, when they're close to your heart are the greatest comfort in the world. We came from the same place. We can stand side by side in front of a mirror and see the bits that are the same, or at least similar. We can remember things from the dawn of our each other's lives that we will take with us to the ends of our lives. We can laugh and cry over those things and treasure them.
We can look back at the times when we weren't so close, when maybe there was competition, or misunderstanding and we can, if we're lucky, see how dangerously close we came to losing one of the best and most treasured life experiences a woman can have. A close relationship with a sister.
For me, the value of this kind of love and closeness is impossible to capture in words. But I hope my sisters know how I feel.
And now both of my sisters have little people in their lives who carry pieces of us inside them. What an amazing thing it is to look at those little people and see them grow. I count myself incredibly fortunate for that.
I will leave you with a show and tell of something I was given by another kind of sister, a good friend. Amy in Rhode Island. Long time readers will know Amy and I have been friends for quite a long time now and some of you no doubt know her as well. Recently Amy sent some gifts. Just because. That is kindness itself.
First, some sock yarn from Lobster Pot Yarns. Is this not the very colour of a spring sky? These are, as the names suggest, dyed in Lobster Pots all the way up in Cape Cod. Amazing.
This surely will not go on my feet. Or anyone's feet. I'm wearing this around my neck.
And finally, a delicate, precious bookmark adorned with seaglass from the Rhode Island coastline.
Amy thought carefully about these gifts and it shows. I was touched, so thank you Amy. I'll treasure them.
9 hours ago